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Navigating the future with CSUF WIA


It was an honor to be the first ever guest speaker for CSUF WIA! I talked about how I got into the industry and how I'm navigating the industry, as well as went over some techniques for processes I use in storyboarding and animation, and even some pointers on how to pitch your own show. I shared a deep dive into everything including my time on Robot Chicken, to my transition back into the world of 2-d with Bojack Horseman, surviving the financial crisis of 2008, everything Rick and Morty, and of course all the behind the scenes secrets from Toasty Tales! It was an incredible evening and these Fullerton students show a lot of potential. The school is making a big push to become a player in shaping the future of the animation industry so look out when these students graduate! They have all the knowledge they need to take over the industry now.

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