I want to start a new tradition of looking back on my accomplishments for the year. Sometimes life can feel overwhelming and having a reminder of everything you have accomplished in a year can be a good way to renew your strength. I think it's also important to list accomplishments outside of your career. Life is rich and your worth is not limited to what you accomplish professionally. So here are my 2018 accomplishments!
Wrote a web series for Toca Boca with my (now) wife, Lyvia
Got married!
Became a foster for cats
Learned how to bottle feed kittens
Learned how to TNR (trap/neuter/return)
Helped TNR over 20 cats through Luxe Paws
Helped network over 100 cats to safety through FB posting
Made 2 new pins and 5 new charms for my Etsy shop
Designed and packaged 2 wooden toys
Wrote and released Tim Town volume 2
Wrote a spec script for animation
Wrote a live action sample
Survived my department being dissolved at Cartoon Network
Pitched a new show
Helped 2 other people pitch shows
Grew an avocado sprout from a pit
Saw through 6 foster cats to adoption
Featured artist in Keyframe Magazine
Did a major purge of household items
Completed a new laser cut diorama commission
Completed coverage for one feature and two TV episodes
Tabled at 3 conventions and 5 craft shows
Lectured my first class for Ground Zero
Had a gallery show for my Endangered Species series
Attended 3 Picture This comedy shows as a guest artist
Here's looking towards 2019 as a year for new growth, exciting new adventures, and overcoming challenges! I have a lot planed for 2019 so let's get to it!